Wendy is an Integrative Holistic Health Coach/Practitioner, Mental Health Educator/Consultant, and Board Certified Peer Specialist

Engage with the author as you read her story of recovery from Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health Disorders through a holistic lifestyle using an integrative approach to recovery.

Participate in your own healing through reading, reflecting, and real time responding in this tell all, inspirational and interactive journal!

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Self care is the actions that we take to achieve wellness, and wellness is where we stand in our power!

– Love and blessings, Wendy

Write Pray Recover

A Journey to Wellness Trough Spiritual Solutions and Self Care.

It is said that everyone loves a comeback story. This is especially true for the woman who came back from a life of substance use disorder and co-occurring disorders. The woman with an inspirational story to share that offers hope to others struggling with this disease. A woman that nearly died of this disease in early 2013, but she lived

On April 2, 2013, I got ready for bed and in a moment where I had some clarity, I dropped to my knees and asked the Universe/God/Spirit to please help me save my life. I said, “God/Universe/Spirit, if you show me the way out of this, I will devote my life to any path you put before me.” 

I have always felt a deep spiritual connection to the Universe through music, and said to the Universe at the end of my prayer, “In the next song on the radio, please give me a sign that you are with me.” I sat down on the edge of my bed, turned on the radio, and the first song to play was, “Jesus, Take the Wheel.” The words touched my heart, and I became so emotional. “Jesus, take the wheel, take it from my hands. I can’t do this on my own. I’m letting go… So give me one more chance. Save me from this road I’m on. Jesus, take the wheel.”

I went to bed knowing that I would soon be given specific guidance from the Universe that would ultimately save my life. I woke up the next morning and I heard a strong intuitive voice say to me, “Call for help. It is time.” And I heard this voice tell me that “everything is going to be alright.” I have been listening to that voice ever since. April 3, 2013 was the day that my life was saved by the Grace of God.

About Wendy Blanchard, M.S., INHC, NYCPS

Wendy Blanchard, M.S., INHC, NYCPS is a teacher, speaker, advocate, and author. In 2015, Wendy went to the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, and earned her certification in Holistic Health Counseling. She has a private practice, Harmonious Health 4 Life, where Wendy coaches those in mental health and substance use disorder recovery, and others who are eager to make lifestyle changes that are sustainable.


 Copyright © 2022 Wendy Blanchard, M.S., INHC, NYCPS. All Rights Reserved